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Office IT Management HENNGE One x Office 365

All-in-one cloud-based security services for Microsoft Office 365


Security Incidents in Japan

Research has revealed that information leakage incidents at corporations are mainly caused by mis-delivered emails and lost devices. HENNGE One prevents incidents caused by these two common risk factors.

Access Security

HENNGE One protects the cloud-based services safely from the risk of information leakage caused by the unauthorized access of cloud-based Office 365 which is delivered by the additional access control functions including IP restriction and two-factor authentication functions.

Device Security

The exclusively developed secure browser allows safe access to cloud-based services from various devices. Because viewed information is not stored in the devices, the risk of information leakage due to device theft or loss can be minimized.

Messaging Security

HENNGE One provides additional security services for Office 365.The services can deliver highly sophisticated email security through features including the preventing the accidental sending of an email to unintended recipients, encrypt file attachments, deliver emails with a slight time lag, archive entire email messages, and provide greater managerial control over email policies, all into a single service.

What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.